Friday, August 27, 2010

Favorite Image

Out of all of the images that we have viewed, I believe I would have to say that my favorite is the "Starry Night" image. Even though it does not give me the happiest feeling, I feel that it is a very beautiful image. I also love the texture that the painting has. I have had the pleasure of going to a museum and actually seeing this painting in person, and I noticed that it has testure to it when one touches it. That has to be my favorite aspect of that image because to me the texture is symbolic of the fact that it is not supposed to convey a very easy and simple aspect of life. The texture symbolizes how it a kind of complicated image and does not just go one way. There is a lot of information and explanation that comes along with this image, so it should not just have that simplicity to it.
I also love the colors in this image. The colors are not bright, but they aren't dark either. They are a mixture of light and dark, which make them level out to convey a solemn color scheme. There are a lot of things that are going on in this image, which is another reason why I love it so much. This was one of the first paintings that I actually saw and studied, so it has always been with me. It has many things going on at once, for example, the swirls that are going on, the mountains in the background, the little town at the bottom of the image, and the large tree that is in the bottom left corner of the image. "Starry Nights" has received some wonderful ratings im sure and I agree with every single one of them about this image being wonderful!

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