Friday, October 29, 2010

Greek Pottery

This piece of pottetry is one of my particular favorites. The reason for that is mainly because of the fact that it is used for as a present for the winners of the athletic games. It is called a Panathenaic Amphora made in 530 BCE attributed to the Euphiletos Painter, but is made by Nikias. He was an Athenian politician as well as a general during the Peloponnesian War, which is where he led several expiditions and achieved little, but he was very successful with negotiations that led to the Peace of Nicias in 421 BC. He inherited a fortune from his father who passed, which caused him to then become a member of the Athenian aristocracy. His spolitical views were very moderate adn he was strongly against the agressiveness of the democrats imperialism. This vase was usually filled with oil from the olive grove, which the victor from th ePanathenaic games would use all over their body after this victorious win. The figures that are painted on this vase are very geometric with fat bodies, small necks, and small feet. i figured they were painted this way because of the fact that they were used for athletics and that is the stylistic bodily structure of an athlete. The sfigures look very muscular and in an athletic running pose, which is very  fitting since "the early Olympian games were foot rces overtaken under varying distances.


  1. I love the rhythm in this piece! And I agree that the geometric stylization of the figures resembles the body of an athlete, not only in this piece, but in many of this time and place. How appropriate that is within a culture that values athletics so much (such as through the Olympic games).

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