Friday, October 15, 2010

Individual Blog: Part II

                   I chose this image to write on for this blog because it reaminds me of the Parthenon. It reminds me of the Parthenon because of the fact that it has the columns and looks to have the curvature that was referred to in the Pollitt readings. This is a shrine of St Amandus of the early 13th century that is featured in the Cleveland Museum of Art. The author of this article says that many people ask the question "is there something in it?", and I would ask the same thing. If I just walked in and saw this, I would ask what was on the inside, was it hollow? He answers them every time and informs them that there is something on the inside, and I find it fascinating that something so small has something on the inside. I believe that this is something that could be seen during the Classical Period, like the Parthenon, but it is made of something from the Ancient Egyptian Period, with the it being made of gold and having jewels on it. I found that very interesting.

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