Thursday, September 9, 2010

Collage Assignment: The Mucical Note

I chose to make my collage one large musical note because that it what my whole life revolves around. I listen to music and, also sing, every day. I even used to play an instrument, the saxophone, in middle school, which was all I used to do. The pictures of the collage that make up the musical note are all things that mean the most to me in life and keep me going. They are either products that I use every day, words to describe me, or my favorite things. By favorite things I mean color, foods, or hobbies. All of these pictures are pictures of things that are very important in my life, so this collage should tell you anything you need to know about me.

Color: I used bright colors to incorporate into this project, such as the poster board and the border around the purple fabric, because I am a bright and happy person. I love bright colors.

Light: The light areas on this collage are the most important things in my life, which are on the right side of the musical note. The dark areas are the things in my life that I don’t worry too much about, but they are important enough factors in my life to be in my collage.

Texture: The texture pattern that I used for this collage is soft textures because I am a really soft and sweet person.

Volume: The light and dark cutouts that I added into this collage are basically the staff and the outline of the staff. Since the staff is supposed to be the background, I figured I would make it darker than everything else in the collage, so that it will fade into the background and help the pictures to pop out and be the main focus.

Line: The implied line in the collage to direct people’s eyes to a certain area is the pointer that is pointing all the attention to the word family, which is the most important thing to me.

Space: The background of this collage is a musical staff, which are the lines that musical notes are on so the musician will know what pitch to play the note in. the foreground in this collage is a pointer, which is something that teachers use in class to direct students eye to something on a board. This evens out the collage to be equal space used on all sides.

Scale: The biggest pictures in the project are the words family, girl, and the letters TH. These two explain me to the fullest, which is why they are the biggest. The other pictures are just about equal size because they have equal importance to me.

Symbolism: 1.) The fact that the edges of the poster are round because I am a very well-rounded person. I can do many things. 2.) The fact that the whole collage is a musical note because music is a part of me. It represents the fact that I really like and appreciate music. 3.) The background fabric. It represents the fact that I am a very soft and sweet person. 4.) The light pictures represent the most important things in my life and the dark pictures represent the less important things in my life. 5.) The fact that the lighter pictures, which are most important to me, are on the right side and I am right handed. That is my strongest side.

You: I have pictures of my favorite hobbies, such as basketball and cooking.

Friends and Family: I have pictures of my friends and family’s favorite things, such as their favorite colors, foods, and products to use. I also have a picture of fives, which is how many people I have in my entire family.

Your town, community, school: I have my school colors of orange and blue, and I have pictures in here about what my community back at home stood for, the world.

Your country: I have pictures of things that our country tries to do, such as one picture that has the word protect on it, and another picture with the word America on it.

The world today: I have pictures that represent what is becoming of our world, such as a picture of McDonald’s because our world today has so many fast food places. I also have a picture on here that says “amazing world of delight”, which shows that people love the world we live in.

Art: Art to me means beautiful. It is a way to express your feelings, which is why I have many pictures on this collage that talk about beauty, fashion, and description.

History: History has made me a very proud young black female, who knows how to be civilized and act with elegance when it is needed. Art relates to history because they are both beautiful things. They both show how things used to be and how things have evolved over the years. This is also how it has shaped the world today because people see how things used to be, and they know how they want to live, which is not like things were in the past.


  1. Tone, I really like your idea to use one object as the main focus and then fill it with all the different elements. I think it is more of an out-side the box kind of idea since most people would think to have a scene that they try and creat with a collage or just random stuff put together in a sort of organized chaos. I enjoyed reading about your different elements of art that you used. The implied line with the pointer is also creative. I would like to see your collage in person so that I could feel the soft fabric and see up close everthing that you chose to put in the music note. Well done on being creative!

  2. I love how creatively you incorporated everything into your collage. Using felt to create texture is a really cool idea, and I also really like the use of the pointer to create line and guide the viewer to the importance of family in your life. Basing the collage around a staff and musical note is really cool as well. The important things in your life are very well represented in the collage and they do not distract from one another at all. Great job!

  3. Your color and compositional choices in the collage speak loudly about your personality. I like the way you included things that your friends and family enjoy among your own interests--I thought that was a good example of how much those people mean in your life. Building your collage inside the music note and on the musical staff was very creative and is another great representation of what is important to you. The felt was a nice touch as well for texture.

  4. Every aspect of your collage really shows who you are. The idea to use the music note as your main focus allows us to gain a sense of how important music is in your life. It is obvious how much thought you put into this project and the use of line is very pleasing to me. The colors you have used, which work very well together, along with the images you have placed inside the music note, give a good representation of you. I love that you used fabric in your piece. It adds a fun and interesting trait to your collage that I haven't seen anyone else use. Nice job!
