Saturday, September 18, 2010

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                            This authors main thesis with this article is that they are trying to create heirlooms that resemble the art from the past. They want to create things from the past to make them last like the past, so that they can make it through generations and generations and one day finally it can be researched on. I completely agree with the author of this article because it would be nice to have something make its way to the near future, and someone does research on it to come to find out it was from our time period. I also believe it was smart to try to make something with the idea in mind that the want it to last. I believe that is very important because many things in our time period are not made durably. This is not because we are not able to, it is because our economy is becoming so greedy, and  no one wants to take the time to make something that durable because that is taking up there time to create some more of their product.
                         This relates to everything that we are discussing in class because the ancient Egyptians made things, every single time, with the intent that they wanted it to last. This also relates to the Kingdoms being economically and politically stable because I believe that we are an economy that is economically stable, but we choose not to use what we have. I also noticed that these crowns that are supposed to be part of the heirlooms that last are made of gold, as were the crowns and all the jewelry of the Ancient Egyptians. That shows that the Egyptians had strategy to the reason why they created so many things in gold. The crowns also look like crowns that king and queens of that time period would wear, so I really feel that this author was greatly influenced by the time periods before us, mainly the Egyptians.

1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting article. I like the way the artist is creating art work that i durable. The things that are created today are cheap. The author is trying to make art that would become history in the future. This is a great thing. I also do believe that he was influenced by the Egyptian art. The image of the crown that he created does resemble one that pharaohs would wear. The Egyptians were masterminds in creating thing that would last for a long time.
