Friday, September 3, 2010

Web Link Image Blog: Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

This image is an image that I stumbled up on by accident one day while researching for a class in high school. When I saw it I saved it to ym computer, which is why I still have it, but it really caught my eyebecause of the bright colors. I really like bright colors, especially when they are all incorporated together to make one big image. When I was younger, I used to draw pictures that were not that good, I must say, but I would always color them with bright colors. This particular image shows bright colors as well as darker colors. The darker colors, to me, show different dimensions showing shading and giving it volume. Another thing that I love about this image is that it has many diferent shapes that show different angles. It almost looks like this is a flag hanging up somewhere blowing in the wind because of the shading and different shapes in it. There is also use of lines, diagonal, horizontal and vertical, but the most frequent line being used is the diagonal line to give the image direction. There is one diagonal line going through the middle of the image, from the upper right hand corner down to the lower left hand corner. I think this diagonal is used to put focus going towards the middle of the page.

The focus is going to the middle of the page because there is also depth being shown that one does not notice until all of their focus is in the middle of the page. When one looks towards the middle of the page they will notice a squiggly dark shaded area. This is the only thing in this image that looks this way and that is because the viewer is supposed to see the depth in the middle of the image and artist use darker colors to show that depth. This image kind of looks like a maze when you contine to look at it and it can make you dizzy if you look at it too long because of all of the different things going on in it. Also if you look at it too long you may also see it start to spin a little bit. This is just another illusion that comes from all of the different things going on in the image, such as the different light and dark colors, the different shapes, and the different senses of direction. I can relate to this image because it has plenty of things going on in it and that is the kind of personality that I have at times. I have many different kinds of personalities, and I feel like this image is speaking to them. This is why this image caught my eye, and I chose to share it on my blog.


  1. This image is one with many elements, several of which are more important than the others, for example, color and shape. I enjoyed reading about what stood out to you and what is caught by the viewers eye in this image. I also liked how you compared this image to yourself and your life. Is seems as though you have spent plenty of time looking and analyzing this peice. Its neat to find out why and how different peices become important to other people. Thanks for sharing!

  2. This is a really interesting image. There is so much going on, yet somehow it is well balanced. I enjoyed reading about how it relates to you and why it is important. You're right, looking at it for too long really does make your head spin. It is a very uplifting piece. I love that it is named after a Beatles song. I feel like it is the perfect thing to be looking at while listening to "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band," the record on which "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds" is featured.

  3. This is an interesting choice of image to write about--I'm not sure I would know how to even break it down! You are definitely right about it being chaotic. It is also very aptly named; the way the colors and light all twist into each other reminds me of looking through a kaleidoscope, which is certainly an image painted by the Beatles' song. Very psychedelic. The ways in which you compared the image to yourself were very insightful as well.

  4. I loved how you related this image back to you. The way you described your passion for vivid colors really shows how drawn you are to this image. It was a great way of looking at this piece. You also did a great job taking this piece apart and giving me a better analysis than what I was coming up with. This reminds me of a lot of things- CD covers, movies, paintings, etc. Knowing that this artwork was pleasing to you, allowed reading the description to be more enjoyable.
